full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Pranav Mistry: The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So I thought, around last year — in the beginning of the last year — I staetrd thinking, "Why can I not take this approach in the reverse way?" Maybe, "How about I take my digital world and paint the physical world with that dgiiatl information?" Because pixels are actually, right now, confined in these rectangular dvieces that fit in our pockets. Why can I not remove this confine and take that to my everyday objects, everyday life so that I don't need to learn the new lgaunage for interacting with those pixels?

Open Cloze

So I thought, around last year — in the beginning of the last year — I _______ thinking, "Why can I not take this approach in the reverse way?" Maybe, "How about I take my digital world and paint the physical world with that _______ information?" Because pixels are actually, right now, confined in these rectangular _______ that fit in our pockets. Why can I not remove this confine and take that to my everyday objects, everyday life so that I don't need to learn the new ________ for interacting with those pixels?


  1. language
  2. started
  3. devices
  4. digital

Original Text

So I thought, around last year — in the beginning of the last year — I started thinking, "Why can I not take this approach in the reverse way?" Maybe, "How about I take my digital world and paint the physical world with that digital information?" Because pixels are actually, right now, confined in these rectangular devices that fit in our pockets. Why can I not remove this confine and take that to my everyday objects, everyday life so that I don't need to learn the new language for interacting with those pixels?

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
physical world 6
digital world 5
physical objects 2
everyday life 2
everyday objects 2
sticky note 2
automatically syncs 2
start painting 2

Important Words

  1. approach
  2. beginning
  3. confine
  4. confined
  5. devices
  6. digital
  7. everyday
  8. fit
  9. information
  10. interacting
  11. language
  12. learn
  13. life
  14. objects
  15. paint
  16. physical
  17. pixels
  18. pockets
  19. rectangular
  20. remove
  21. reverse
  22. started
  23. thinking
  24. thought
  25. world
  26. year